Daniel Deng
Title: Advancements in Sensor Technology for Assessing Hydropower Structures and Predicting Fish Injuries: Enhancing Fish Monitoring and Behavior Understanding Abstract:I will present recent advancements in sensor technology for characterizing the physical conditions of hydropower structures and predicting fish injuries in a cost-effective manner. Additionally, I will discuss techniques for improving fish movement and health monitoring in aquatic environments. By integrating fish behavior with physical measurements of hydropower structures and studying fish species and life stages that have never been studied before, we can enhance our understanding of fish migration, behavior, habitat use, fishway effectiveness, and survival at hydropower facilities. These insights can lead to better-informed management decisions for both existing and new hydropower structures, facilitating designs that minimize environmental impacts.
Oudom Phonekhampheng
Dr. Oudom Phonekhampheng was appointed President of the National University of Laos (NUOL) in Vientiane, Lao PDR. His research interests include sustainable agriculture and environment development, ichthyology and aquaculture, fish passage, and animal nutrition. Through the research, Dr. Phonekhampheng studied local farmers’ requirements for multiple crop production and the potentials of rubber and multiple crops in relation to food security and poverty reduction.
Paul Kemp
Paul Kemp is a Professor of Ecological Engineering at the University of Southampton. His research relates to understanding the complex systems linked to integrated natural resource management, particularly in relation to marine and freshwater fisheries, and how shocks can influence those systems. Specific applications relate to how understanding of the behavioural ecology of fish can help solve challenges in sustainable water and energy engineering, particularly on how the physical environment influences the behaviour and physiological performance of fish, and how manipulation of that environment by engineering means can be used to mitigate for negative impacts of water and energy resource development.
Chang Jianbo
Chang Jianbo, Ph.D., is a professor in fish ecology and conservation biology research, leading the Institute of Hydeoecology of the School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering at Wuhan University. He was once a fundamental and 1st – 2nd board member of the World Sturgeon Conservation Society (WSCS) and the International Society for River Science (ISRS). He is recently a board member of the Ecological Society of China (ESC), a board member of the Chinese National Committee on Large Dams (CHINCOLD), and the Chairperson of the Committee of Fish Passage Facilities of CHINCOLD. He had been the chief scientist of both the major program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Basic Research Program of China, coordinating research on human impact on river ecosystems and endangered species conservation. He is recently the chief scientist of a National Key Research and Development Program of China focusing on restoring fish passages all along the main channel of the Yangtze River.
Hersilia Santos
I am Full Professor in Civil Engineering Department at Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais (Brazil) since 2007. My research focuses on ecohydraulic issues in neotropical freshwater system, acting on fish passages models (numerical and scale models); fish swimming capability (voluntary and non-voluntary tests); river models (2D and 3D numerical models) and fish habitat suitability. In the latest years, I was particularly interested in turbulence effects on fish movement around hydraulic structures.Title: Turbulence effects on fish movement around hydraulic structures. The main content of my report: 1.The role of hydrodynamic in fish swimming 2.Turbulence definition and monitoring 3.Experiments in real hydraulic structures in tropical areas 4.Environmental impacts due to turbulence effects and possible mitigation solution 5.The base for computational tools that preview fish movements
James C. Liao
Hydrodynamics, Flow Sensing and Energetics of Fish Locomotion in Natural and Engineered Flows Dr. James C. Liao is a Professor in the Department of Biology/Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience at the University of Florida, an Affiliate Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, and an Affiliate Curator of Ichthyology at the Florida Museum of Natural History. An internationally recognized expert in the biomechanics of fish locomotion and the neurophysiology of the lateral line, his research explores how fish interact with fluids to optimize swimming behaviors in both natural and engineered habitats. His experimental approaches have provided groundbreaking insights into how fish use hydrodynamic cues for navigation, schooling, and energy conservation. Dr. Liao currently leads several NSF- and NIH-funded projects investigating the neural and mechanical principles of fish swimming, with implications for bio-inspired engineering for improving fishway designs.