Abstract Submission
We thank all authors for their interest in submitting abstracts for consideration at Fish Passage 2025, as well as all review committee members for their contributions to the process.
Abstract submission system opening: 15 September 2024
Abstract submission deadline: 31 January 2025
All participants will be notified successively about whether their abstracts have been accepted, rejected, or if they need modifications.
Please note that abstracts can only be eventually accepted if at least one author has registered for participation at the conference. After submitting the abstract, please register when the registration system is open.
Encore Submissions: An abstract that has previously been presented at another meeting will only be considered if there have been significant updates to the abstract. Submitters are required to list any previously presented abstracts in the introduction of the abstract. Only one abstract per registered delegate can be submitted.
Required sections for abstract submission: Abstracts should be within the scope of the conference topic areas. The abstract should state the purpose, methods, results and conclusion of the study. Please indicate at least one (max. five) keyword(s) when submitting your abstract.
If you have any questions about abstracts, please contact the professional conference organizer directly on the below details, ensuring to include FP2025 in the subject line:
Name:Tan Junjun,(Email:fishpassage2025@ctgu.edu.cn)
We encourage you to review the Guide before submitting your abstract to minimize the need for later revisions and to help facilitate effective communication.
Word Limit: 300-500 words (does not include title and authors)
Title Word Limit: 125 characters total (including spaces)
Tables: No limit; each table counts as 100 words
Images: 2 maximum; each image counts as 100 words
Format(s): Upload tables, images and graphs in GIF, JPEG, JPG or PNG format of a minimum of 300 dpi and 100% size. Higher resolution is acceptable and preferred.
Language: English
Copyright© EEMS 2025
2025 International Conference on Fish Facilities and Ecological Hydrology http://ic-eems.com/
Name: Zhu Lichao Telephone:0717-6392165
Email: fishpassage2025@ctgu.edu.cn